Aid The Needy Kenya - Our Work

Education, including education in Emergencies

Kenya has faced episodes of political instability, tribal clashes, cattle rustling, seasonal flooding among other shocks including conflict. According to the education cluster assessments (2017, 2018) these factors have resulted in...many children dropping out of school after losing their parents. The instabilities always results into movement of people from one place to another leaving behind their factors of production such as land and other property. Many areas of the Community are still marginalized. Government's efforts to provide basic education for the poor and the focus on menstrual health has been plague by Corruption where sanitary pads have found their way into shops. Aid The Needy Kenya has worked towards emancipation of girls by targeting the well-being of their parents and care givers. with our partners, we have provided entrepreneurial capacity building and resources aimed at giving women capital and means to establish various small businesses to generate income. Our Organization has also linked girls who are likely to drop out of school but are promising in academic achievements, to other institutions where they are giving opportunity of sponsorship and support. recent cases has been our collaboration with St. Joseph's Nyabondo Mission Hospital that has seen 5 girls complete their diplomas in various medical fields and are working to support their families. we are in discussion with a partner to provide a permanent solution towards health issues affecting girls and in this regard we are having plans to have our own mini-factory manufacturing sanitary towels to make it affordable and reach out to those who cannot get a funds to spare for the girls to access sanitary towels. Training of young women and girls by their elder peers in various fields to motivate them is a key comment of changing their world. having motivation and seeing the world as having opportunities and believing in themselves is critical to enable these young people grow and thrive. We are working with peer educators on these. Challenges of early marriages followed by burden of having many children at younger age can only be mitigated through education and work of peer educators.

Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items(NFI)

In 2017, Aid the Needy Kenya improved food security and protect livelihoods for several households. With support from Barmherzgkeit Austria, we vent into the value chain addition to enable small-holder farmers mainly women to provide them with better prices for their farm produce. We targeting sweet potato farmers in Rachuonyo and banana farmers. with value addition, these farmers escaped exploitation from the middle business men commonly reffed to as brokers. These farmers had previously suffered losses due to tensions caused by post election violence of 2007/2008 due to the disputed Presidential Elections the elections. Women and Children being most vulnerable at that time, we sort our support of Aidlink Ireland to provide them with emergency food and eventually funds to restock and establish new farms. The scaling up took place with in 2017 to ensure they access coordinated marketing and earn value from their toil. The situation at the end of 2007 was appalling, many people could not afford food, water or toileting facilities. With the common effort of the Police, we reached many with support to have shelter, food and medication.

Water, sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH)

Water and sanitation are basic human needs. Aid The Needy works towards basic and appropriate solutions to provision of water and sanitation. Most of households do not have access to clean and safe water for the domestic use. Water sources are also very far in most cases. the available sources lack treatment systems hence become sources of disease spread. with poverty in the rise, women are strained to boil water using firewood, a rather expensive and not environment friendly action. Our efforts at the moment has receive blessings where our appeal to provide water for 4000 households has received positive response from Water Mission. We are implementing a project entailing drilling of borehole, installing solar pumping station and a distributions network to 8 community watering points at Atela Location, Rachuonyo East, Homa Bay County. The big undertaking will provide safe reliable drinking water. We thank our Partner. Our Organization supported St. martin Special School to access water tanks for rain-harvesting for the children use.

Food and Nutritional Security

A major result of the incessant conflict is that; high rates of food insecurity are prevalent in Kenya’s rural farming population, with some areas reporting a reccurent cycle of crop failires due to climate change. Aid The Needy Kenya is working with partners and well-wishers to provide the community with coping mechanisms. key among them is alternative food production system where rainfall is a key factor. We are now working towards using green energy for small-scale irrigation by clustering farmers to focus on particular crops in alteration ways. With solar irrigation kits, the farmers can produce food through out the year without relying on the erratic rainfall. Most of the small holder farmers loose a lot to the elements as they have post harvesting storage. We are working and seeking partners who can help farmers get cooling systems mainly using solar to save fish mongers from loosing their harvest and those with fruits to add value by extracting juice that can last longer. our focus that we seek partner is on training of the small-holder farmers on new approaches to farming or agronomic to ensure with small land parcels they can produce enough by use of high yielding seeds and tubers. these will be achieved by having community demo farms and and seed banks.


Aid The Needy Kenya has need for partnership to enable it achieve its 5 year strategic plan. Our quest for support are but not limited to: 1. health care, education and agriculture: we will appreciate having volunteer health care provides at all levels to support and strengthen our local institutions. We recognize the importance of volunteers in fostering development through skills exchange. 2. Financial Support: We would be grateful to have once off or established long term relations in our projects . We would be glad to present our request and also more grateful for the partner to be involved in developing the same so that we work in tandem towards the meeting of the aspirations and desires of the community. Our focus areas are Agriculture and food security, Education of the Vulnerable children with a concern on integrating special needs children, youth empowerment through vocational skills, Healthcare and WASH. We Thank our Partners Humasol Belgium for having send a team of skilled volunteers to help provide solar lighting to an hospital, Global Emergency skills and Care from Tallaght University, Dublin, Ireland for partnering to build the capacity of health workers on emergency care at the hospitals and health centers.


Community Healthcare services and support is crucial for reducing the high mortality rates of the mothers and children. Adolescence health is increasingly becoming a challenge to most of the society where silence and lack of proper communication takes place between young people and e the old. many young people learn through experience on matters sexuality and adolescent health,a costly affair, we seek to work with partners towards provision of information and skills to the girls to keep them safe and help in their growth both socially and spiritually. We have worked with our partners PINCC USA to train our local healthcare workers to handle and detect cervical cancer at early stages to reduce mortality of young women. we also are partnering with We Care Solar, US based International Organization that focus on provision of solar lighting system that is saving lives in small health facilities in a Africa . we provided lighting for Atela Community Health Center

Peace, Development and Community Empowerment for All

Promoting the right and wellbeing of every child and family , in everything we do. We believe that all children have a right to grow and thrive. Working with communities in protecting children from all forms of exploitation and creating opportunities for their growth and development

Providing and supporting resilience efforts on drought prone regions to ensure food security. Through partnership with small holder farmers, training them on good agronomics and best choices of seeds for their farms

Providing Opportunities for the disabled children and youths through rehabilitation and integration in the society.


Social Mission
Management & General Admin


Schoolgirls & Women
Women, Schoolgirls and Children directly impacted by our programs.

Unique partners, organizations and Volunteers. We believe in learning and sharing experiences with other partners and friends. Through immersion programs to professional visits, we tailor each partner with the community to enable both sides gain both from cultural experience and skills. we welcome requests fro such partnership.

Our Partners